Sunday 2 December 2018

Going to my first anime convention

I remember the first time I went to a anime convention it was very stressful since I never knew anyone! I was so worried about what type of anime cosplay costume to get. I spent hours searching online and local shops and decided to buy a cheap local one. It was nothing amazing but it was from the anime death note and was a simple costume.

It turned out I was worried for nothing and quickly made friends who liked my crappy costume! At least I thought it was crappy haha After hanging out for a while we became friends and exchanged numbers.

After that day we started to hang out on weekends doing anime nerd stuff sometimes playing board games or watching anime. Now we help each other with our costumes and have fun with that type of stuff.

If you are interested in finding a cosplay idea for your self check out some of my other posts.

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